Randomized Stufy of SCS PBIS Model

Ward, B., & Gersten, R. (2013). A Randomized Evaluation of the Safe and Civil Schools
Model for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports at Elementary Schools in a Large Urban School District. School Psychology Review,42(3), 317–333.

In this randomized evaluation of the Safe & Civil Schools PBIS (positive behavioral interventions and supports) Model, 32 elementary schools in a large urban school district were randomly assigned to either an initial training cohort or a wait-list control group. Results suggested that Safe & Civil Schools training positively affected school policies and student behavior.

Surveys administered after the start of the training found large improvements in staff perceptions of school behavior policies and student behavior at schools receiving Safe   Civil Schools training. Improvements were not observed at wait-list schools.

The authors also note reductions in student suspensions at schools implementing the Safe & Civil Schools that were not observed at control schools. Improvements persisted through the second year of trainings. Once the wait-list control schools began Safe & Civil Schools training, they experienced similar improvements in school policies and student behavior.

Participating schools had high concentrations of students receiving free or reduced price lunch (approximately 90%), minority students (approximately 87%), and students who scored low on statewide standardized tests.

The full article is available here.

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