July 13–17, 2025
Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront
Portland, OR
Registration for the 2025 Safe & Civil Schools National Conference is open!
Our 2024 event SOLD OUT—some sessions as early as mid-February and we anticipate this year’s conference may fill in late March/early April. Be sure to register early for 2025 so you don’t miss out on your first choice of sessions! To register call us at
email us at
info@safeandcivilschools.com or download a Registration form. See below for conference and session details.
In our conference sessions, educators learn how to create and maintain a full continuum of behavior support so that every student is successful, no matter the level of need. The Safe & Civil Schools multi-tiered system of behavior support (MTSS) addresses all students’ needs with a system of overlapping tiers of support, so there are no gaps and no student falls through the cracks.
Attendees learn from our engaging and experienced consultants and come away empowered with new strategies for improving school climate, culture, and instruction and practical tools to help all students (even the most challenging ones) succeed.
Dr. Anita Archer and Jessica Sprick will team up to discuss how to use explicit instruction principles to teach behavioral skills. Dr. Anita L. Archer, Ph.D., is an educational consultant to school districts on explicit instruction, design and delivery of instruction, behavior management, and literacy instruction. Jessica Sprick is a consultant and presenter for Safe & Civil Schools and a writer for Ancora Publishing and ASCD.
8:30 am PT – 3:30 pm PT
An MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) is built to ensure that layers of support are available to meet students’ varied needs and to help all students thrive. This session provides an overview of an MTSS for behavior and provides you with the opportunity to assess strengths and weaknesses of your current system. Leave with concrete ideas for implementation and begin thinking about ways to effectively address areas of need, including:
Participants: District and building Leadership Teams, Directors, MTSS/PBIS/Climate and safety coordinators, Superintendents and assistant superintendents, Principals and assistant principals and/or anyone responsible for supervising implementation of systems of support for behavior
Included textbooks: Interventions (3rd edition)
**Note: This session does NOT provide in-depth training on specific intervention design. If you are looking to design intervention plans for individual students, attend “Developing Effective Behavior Interventions” with Tricia Berg.**
8:30 am PT – 3:30 pm PT
Chronic misbehavior often gets in the way of our ability to provide effective academic instruction. The goal of this session is to expand your toolkit with intervention strategies that can support students who demonstrate challenging behaviors in your classroom. You will leave with an understanding of how to support individual student needs, including:
Participants: School personnel who support individual students with challenging behaviors, such as teachers, school psychologists, assistant principals, BCBAs, and support personnel
Included textbook: Interventions (3rd edition) and Early-Stage Interventions
8:30 am PT – 3:30 pm PT
Leadership in Behavior Support
with Jacob Edwards
Effective schools have effective leadership. The role of the principal is extremely complex, with tremendous rewards. Access to the best research- and evidence-based tools and strategies is key to every instructional leader’s success. This workshop focuses on topics related to the instructional leader’s role in:
Participants: This session is for principals, assistant principals, aspiring principals, district leadership, and other building leaders.
Included textbook: Leadership in Behavior Support
8:30 am PT – 3:30 pm PT
CHAMPS and Classroom-Based Behavioral Interventions
with Kim Earthman
Teachers who want to improve their classroom management will benefit from strategies to manage student behavior and improve student motivation. In this session, participants will learn how to use the third edition of CHAMPS to implement a proactive, positive, and instructional approach to classroom management. This session also helps teachers support the one or two students who chronically misbehave in spite of good classroom management. Learn to implement early-stage interventions (e.g., planned discussion, correction planning, increasing positive interactions, data collection and debriefing, goal setting, and building supportive relationships). If these are not effective, a function-based intervention is likely needed. This session will prepare teachers to analyze setting events and contributing factors such as lack of information or skill, need for attention, need for power or control, escape, and more. Intervention strategies are presented for each of these major functions.
Participants: Classroom teachers, teacher mentors, coaches, educational assistants, administrators
Included textbooks: CHAMPS: A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management and Early-Stage Interventions
Recommended but not included: Teacher’s Encyclopedia of Behavior Management
8:30 am PT – 3:30 pm PT
This Training of Trainers session is designed for professional developers and teacher-leaders who recognize the incredible impact that systematic, direct, engaging, and success-oriented instruction can have on students, teachers, and schools—people who, in their interactions with administrators, staff, and students, exemplify the idea that how well students learn depends on how well they’re taught. This session will immerse practitioners in the theory and practice of designing and delivering instruction in a manner that is systematic, direct, engaging, and success oriented—in a word: explicit. Participants will then be prepared to provide this training, as well as follow-up coaching, to educators in their home districts. Among the critical content and skills discussed are:
Participants: Teachers, administrators, instructional coaches, building and district instructional leaders
Included textbook: Explicit Instruction
8:30 am PT – 3:30 pm PT
If you’re an instructional coach or school leader tasked with supporting teachers in implementing and sustaining best classroom management practices, this session could be a game changer. Built around the concepts of an effective MTSS system for students, we now take this same MTSS framework and use it to guide how we support staff with coaching as a vital piece in all three tiers. We will look at how administrators and nonevaluative coaches alike work to build a universal system of support for all teachers, how to engage in more formal coaching cycles for teachers in need of more targeted support, and how to build an intentional plan of assistance for those on formal plans of improvement. We will also differentiate between coaching to close a deficit in practice and coaching for teachers looking to become exemplars. This session hinges on the belief that with enough support and the right resources, improvement is always possible.
Participants: Coaches, teacher mentors, administrators
Prerequisite: Must have attended a CHAMPS training within the last 12 months
Included materials: Coaching CHAMPS
Recommended but not included: CHAMPS (3rd ed.) or Discipline in the Secondary Classroom (4th ed.)
6:30 pm PT
Keynote by Anita Archer
8:30 am PT – 3:30 pm PT
In-Depth Sessions
The registration fee of $1,395 includes one four-day in-depth session for one attendee and accompanying course textbook(s). Registration fee also includes continental breakfast and lunch Monday through Thursday. Click here to request a copy of our W-9 form.
1401 SW Naito Parkway, Portland, OR 97201 • 503-226-7600
From the hotel, you’re within easy walking distance to great dining, shopping, entertainment, and Portland’s waterfront. Take in stunning river and city views while you relax and enjoy 24-hour room service. With an onsite restaurant, 24-hour fitness center, onsite parking, and more, your stay in the Marriott is convenient and flexible.
Reserve your room online through Marriott Reservations.
Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Marriott reservations at 800-546-9513.
The hotel has reserved a limited number of rooms at reduced rates starting at $235 per day single/double occupancy + tax. Reduced rates are available until these rooms fill or June 13, 2025.
**Reserve your room as soon as your registration is confirmed to receive this special rate.** The hotel does not provide shuttle service to or from the Portland International Airport.
You’ll enjoy your stay in the City of Roses. Portland is a quirky, lively city that offers a vast diversity of activities— shopping, museums, parks, a zoo, river cruises, and more.
Food options range from inexpensive but delicious street fare to 5-star fine dining. If you’re interested in entertainment, there’s theater, dancing, and all kinds of live music in a variety of venues from casual to formal.
If the city doesn’t pique your interest, you can take a quick drive to the Oregon Coast, where you can breathe the clean ocean air, enjoy fresh seafood, take in beautiful scenery, and watch sea lions.
There’s no lack of recreational opportunities near Portland. Tasting wine at Yamhill County wineries, photographing gorgeous scenery in state parks, and rambling along hiking trails in the Columbia River Gorge are just a few of the other things you can do.
For more ideas, visit traveloregon.com
Graduate-level professional development credit is available through UMASS Global. Credit requires additional fee and a follow-up assignment. Check with your school or district to determine whether these self-study credits are acceptable.
Call 1-800-323-8819 to create a plan that addresses your current needs or use our CONTACT US form below.