About Us

About Us

A workbook and pen sitting on a desk

We can help you make a difference.

About Safe & Civil Schools

Randy Sprick discovered his passion for working with students with emotional and behavioral issues as a teacher’s aide. This formative time pushed Randy to pursue a Ph.D. at the University of Oregon in special education, where he focused on shaping student behavior through positive and proactive interactions. This ultimately led to the founding of Safe & Civil Schools in 1985.

Randy’s approach is grounded in the key principle that behavior is learned and can therefore be shaped. A way to shape this behavior is through the school’s most important asset—its educators. Educators have the power to create positive, proactive, and caring settings that influence student behavior and provide an environment in which they can thrive.

Today, Safe & Civil Schools encompasses these same ideals. We bring research to practice by developing user-friendly tools to ensure that the needs of every student are met. Our approach is rooted in data-driven practices that allow educators to celebrate their successes.

At Safe & Civil Schools, we create a unified framework that meets the needs of all students. Using a cohesive multi-tiered system, administrators and educators receive quality training to foster behavioral success for all students. At the universal level, educators build and implement school- and classroom-level behavioral procedures that target the majority of students. For those students who may have behavioral roadblocks that require additional intervention, educators learn how to best support the individual behavior needs of each student. We pride ourselves in helping schools build an environment where each student is supported and treated with dignity and respect.

Safe & Civil Schools believes in the power educators have to shape the lives of our future generations. 

Behavior is a problem to be solved and not a threat to be removed.

Build an environment for success.

Our Approach

Being an effective educator—administrator, teacher, psychologist, counselor, paraprofessional, bus driver, or other staff member—isn’t easy in any community. The daily reality is always complex and challenging: ensuring campus safety, creating productivity in all classrooms, and meeting the unique needs of individual students. These challenges and needs are not uniform across the country or even the same between schools in the same district. An effective approach to behavior support requires adaptability while at the same time adhering to research-based practices of behavior support. Our approach is to help staff create schoolwide settings in which all staff are on board to build safety, civility, and academic productivity for ALL students, in ALL school settings, and with EVERY staff member.

Safe & Civil School Infographic
Safe & Civil School Infographic

Build an environment for success.

Our Approach

Being an educator or administrator isn’t easy in any environment. Unfortunately, the reality is the ease of education, the safety of campuses, the productivity of the classroom environment, and individual student outcomes are heavily influenced by factors out of the control of educators. These challenges are not uniform across the country or even within school districts.

Safe & Civil Schools professional development, consulting, and coaching are designed to provide district and school leaders with tools to improve safety, discipline, performance, and student outcomes. We do so by embracing restorative practices and capturing the hearts of kids.

These programs teach applicable, real-world solution trees that help educators map the journey to success along clear guidelines and performance indicators. Our consultants and unique resources offer support that few Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) systems can match.

Randy Sprick - Founder Photo

Randy Sprick, Founder

Randy Sprick has worked as a paraprofessional, teacher, and teacher trainer at the elementary and secondary levels. Author of a number of widely read books on behavior and classroom management, Randy founded Safe & Civil Schools in 1985.

Although Randy is largely retired, his Safe & Civil Schools colleagues continue the work of helping large and small school districts improve student behavior and motivation. Efficacy of that work is documented in peer-reviewed research, and Safe & Civil Schools materials are listed on the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP). Randy was the recipient of the 2007 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Wallin Lifetime Achievement Award and was inducted into the Direct Instruction Hall of Fame, along with numerous other awards and honors.


Together, we can make difference.

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