
District / Schoolwide

Photo of a school hallways

Schoolwide discipline plans, implemented anywhere or everywhere.


Educators have immense power to positively affect student behavior. Changes made in the physical layout, the supervisory structure of the school day, the arrival and departure of students to and from school, the explicit teaching of behavior expectations, the development of meaningful relationships with adults, and more help improve student behavior. Through these changes, educators are able to make a lifelong impact on students.

At the district and schoolwide levels, professional development is aimed at creating a safe and civil school climate that allows every student to succeed.

Safe & Civil Schools offers specific professional development options that provide universal tools to help educators craft the climate and culture at various parts of the school.

The most successful schoolwide efforts happen with comprehensive, multi-year, school and staff initiatives  that can address every part of the school and every part of the school day. Our Foundations training prepares school leaders and staff to design a proactive and positive schoolwide discipline plan, one that effectively addresses how to establish a positive school climate and culture, school safety, student motivation, and academic engagement.

Additional District/

Schoolwide Training

A proactive and positive schoolwide discipline plan


Foundations is the foundational program for schools and districts. This multi-year professional development guides staff through the process of designing a positive school culture, creating a safe environment for learning, establishing a process for continuous improvement, motivating students, and more. School-based leadership teams engage in a strategic planning process that includes collecting and analyzing discipline and climate data, creating positive schoolwide student motivation and engagement systems, designing positive and effective corrective systems, and making planned revisions based on results and data analysis.

Activate, unite, and empower all school staff.

Staff-Based Approach

Foundations aims to improve student achievement by reducing schoolwide behaviors that distract from learning while increasing students’ motivation to learn. Using a site-based leadership team, Foundations provides a clear process for designing a proactive and positive schoolwide discipline plan that meets the needs of individual schools. 

Foundations goes beyond typical positive behavior support approaches by focusing on the sustainability and effectiveness of schoolwide procedures. Foundations positively engages all staff in the process of school improvement and helps guide educators in how to implement practices that positively affect the climate of the school. Foundations is a two- to three-year comprehensive approach to student behavior success that consists of six components:

  1. Discipline policies and procedures
  2. School climate and culture
  3. School safety
  4. Student-staff interactions
  5. Student motivation
  6. Academic engagement

Trained Foundations consultants provide continuous support to help your school achieve long-lasting success. 

Photo of school doors

Create a positive culture and climate unique to your school.

School-Based Approach

Foundations helps individual schools build a team-based approach through a representative team of staff members, including administrators, interventionists, teachers, and classified staff. Each team leads their staff in creating a culture where schoolwide behavior support is viewed as a collective responsibility. The school-based team works collaboratively to establish a common language along with consistent procedures and expectations.

Foundations provides schools with the tools to:

  • Build student and staff connections with their school

  • Empower teachers to be the behavioral leaders in the building and positively influence student behavior

  • Improve consistency of behavioral expectations across staff and knowledge of expectations for students

  • Establish positive communication with families

  • Create an environment where students feel physically and safe and experience a greater sense of belonging

  • Streamline effective communication within the school to better support all staff

Reclaim Instructional Time

Foundations consultants understand that positive staff engagement with any implementation process determines the success of an intervention. Therefore, the Foundations approach begins with team development to create a team that truly and effectively represents the whole school staff. We work closely with schools to positively engage the whole staff by obtaining staff input, working closely with the staff to identify areas of greatest need to target, helping distinguish between administrator and staff decision-making, and using data to drive decision-making. As a result, the school creates lasting systems and procedures that are accepted and implemented by the staff.

Inquire now to learn how your school can get practical, data-driven solutions through an evidence-based process that addresses your specific behavior needs. Begin making changes today for improved outcomes.

Improvement Cycle Image

We don’t want children to simply endure school—we want them to thrive.

Foundations Training will

teach administrators how to:

Develop schoolwide behavior teams & plans

Developing teams and plans arean integral part of a Foundations initiative that unifies and empowers staff across the school with new behavior techniques and strategies.


Like our students, staff also find the greatest success when led and managed proactively and positively using evidence-based methods that maintain respect, civility, and trust.

Maintain a

Positive School Climate

A positive school climate in hallways and common spaces and between staff and students is the number one proven approach to student success and teacher retention.

Targeted initiatives, plans, and programs address specific schoolwide needs.

More schoolwide initiatives

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 Building administrators have an important responsibility of guiding and shaping the attitudes and actions that influence school culture and climate. The goal is to create a leadership team that can sustain a safe and productive school environment.

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START on Time!

Tardiness not only disrupts and detracts from instructional time but may indicate systematic issues with school climate. Improving student behavior in hallways has shown to directly improve school climate.

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Chronic absenteeism can lead to immediate and long-term problems such as low academic achievement, delinquency, substance abuse, and family dysfunction later in life.


We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee!

Contact Us Today for More Information

Call 1-800-323-8819 to create a plan that addresses your current needs or use our CONTACT US form below.

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