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Research and Evidence


In the professional judgment of many experts in the field, the concepts, strategies, and techniques presented in the Safe & Civil Schools Library reflect the current understanding of research-based, evidence-based, and scientifically based materials. Please read what the experts have said about Safe & Civil Schools materials.

On Schoolwide Initiatives...

"Foundations is the kind of framework administrators, teachers, and students can use to establish and maintain a school environment where people want to work and learn. Schools focus on learning to problem solve, use information and data, and create a safe and civil environment."

—Behavior Specialist, Jacksonville, Florida

"I have never seen anything that makes such a change in a school in a shorter period of time. It is like ‘taking back your halls.’ I have to believe that it will impact test scores as hall incidents, noise, tardiness, etc. are all but eliminated. START on Time! really works and has made a big difference in the start to our year."

—Middle School Teacher, Topeka, Kansas

"Our committee, along with the entire staff, continues to refine our policies to ensure a ‘safe, civil,’ and productive learning environment for all of our students. A schoolwide student survey shows: 90% of our students felt safe in school this year as compared with 68% last year; 79% of our students enjoyed school this year as compared with 70% last year; and 67% of our students felt the Guidelines for Success were helpful to them as opposed to 51% last year. We had an overall 86% reduction this year in student referrals. Overall, an average of 91% of our students were in class on time each period! Thank you for your continued support of our efforts to make our school a great place for students to learn!"

—Middle School Administrator, Houston, Texas

On Classroom Initiatives...

"Safe & Civil School's classroom training provides participants with a practical, hands-on approach to classroom management. I left the workshop with strategies that I could implement immediately in my learning environment. The information is easy to implement and provides extremely effective methods for structuring your environment so that misbehavior is less likely to occur, as well as strategies to use when it does."

—Sandy Smith, M.Ed., Education Service Center Region, XIII Austin, Texas

"Whether you are a novice or an experienced educator, CHAMPS provides the tools, skills, and attitudes to create a more inviting and positive classroom/school climate. All of our participants express, 'CHAMPS is THE course on classroom management I wish had been offered in college.' CHAMPS has provided our teachers with profound, career-changing support in managing their classrooms well. It makes all the difference in the organization of their classrooms, physically as well as socially and emotionally."

—Marilyn Hefferan, Learning Resource Specialists, Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System, Orlando, Florida

"With its practical and proactive strategies for motivating reluctant students, preventing potential classroom disruptions, and managing challenging adolescent behavior, Discipline in the Secondary Classroom is an invaluable tool for both beginning and 'seasoned' high school teachers."

—Carolyn Novelly, Resource Teacher and Behavior Coach, Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville, Florida

On Individual Intervention Initiatives...

"Dr. Sprick has provided a practical 'how-to' guide with evidence-based strategies for helping staff effectively intervene with students who have challenging behaviors. He has again provided a timely and rich resource to guide us through the challenges of RTI for behavior that synthesizes current best practices with step-by-step procedures [that move] from prevention to [intensive] intervention."

—Mike Box, LCSW, Behavior Response Team Coordinator, Pasadena ISD, Pasadena, Texas

"Interventions is an easy-to-use guide for planning and implementing behavior management with interventions based on the latest research and time-tested strategies; is organized logically; speaks in a relaxed and clear voice; and provides specific actions, tools, and reproducible forms for a teacher, school psychologist, counselor, or behavior specialist to use every day."

—Susan Gorin, CAE, Executive Director, National Association of School Psychologists, Bethseda, Maryland

"A must-have resource for every educator, administrator, and support staff. Interventions is a step-by-step evidence-based blueprint that is practical—and easy to understand, use, and implement. Whether PBS or RTI, this manual has it all, a tiered system of interventions universally designed for all students."

—Judy Elliott, Ph.D., Chief Academic Officer for the Los Angeles Unified School District, Los Angeles, California

On Safe & Civil School series training...

"Safe & Civil School's classroom training provides participants with a practical, hands-on approach to classroom management. I left the workshop with strategies that I could implement immediately in my learning environment. The information is easy to implement and provides extremely effective methods for structuring your environment so that misbehavior is less likely to occur, as well as strategies to use when it does."

—Sandy Smith, M.Ed., Education Service Center Region, XIII Austin, Texas

"Today’s schools are facing issues of safety at an unprecedented rate. If we are to ensure safety in our schools, we must address the attitudes, behaviors, and procedures that affect it. Dr. Randy Sprick’s Safe & Civil Schools Series is a comprehensive collection of materials designed to help improve the safety and civility of schools, thus enhancing student learning. The series proposes the beliefs that students should be treated with respect, taught the skills and behaviors they need to succeed, and encouraged through positive interactions."

—National Association of School Psychologists, Communique

"The quality and professionalism of all of the Safe & Civil Schools consultants is impressive. Their presentation styles, knowledge, and passion for their work are phenomenal."

—Melissa Nantais, School Psychologist, Ontario, Canada

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