
Frank Smith Staff Photo

Frank Smith

Frank Smith serves as an educational consultant in the areas of effective instructional delivery and classroom management. He has assisted in the creation of professional development materials and presentations on the effective implementation and delivery of instruction. He regularly works with teachers and site administrators as a national consultant and supports numerous districts in the United States.

Prior to these positions, Frank was a general education teacher at the elementary level. After obtaining his special education certification, Frank taught special needs students in self-contained classrooms. He has served as Director of Elementary Instruction and as a reading consultant for numerous elementary and secondary school sites.

Frank has presented internationally on numerous research-proven instructional programs and conducted professional development related to topics such as vocabulary development, Response to Intervention, strategies for supporting reading in the content areas, and effective strategies for promoting active engagement. As part of his work in these areas, he regularly presents demonstration lessons using research-proven teaching strategies. In addition, Frank has worked with many teachers and schools to develop classroom management skills and strategies.

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