Broward County Public Schools CHAMPS Program

The CHAMPs Workshop Evaluation Report, 2006-07

The following excerpt delineates findings from an evaluation conducted by Broward County Public Schools on the effectiveness of CHAMPs staff development.

The CHAMPs workshops were implemented six times over the 2006-07 school year to meet the needs of newly hired staff.

A careful review and synthesis of the information contained in planning documents, tools developed by staff to aid implementation, the sequence of the six workshops over the school year, and the data from the online participant survey confirmed that the CHAMPs program was successfully implemented as designed.

Online survey data revealed CHAMPs participants' satisfaction with the objectives, organization, and materials of the workshop. Over two-thirds of the participants agreed that the components of the CHAMPs workshop helped with classroom management, to answer students' questions efficiently, and clearly state the task/objective of an activity. Pre- and posttest data verified a positive impact on participants' classroom management knowledge and behaviors.

The evaluation data from multiple sources suggested that the CHAMPs workshop made a significant impact on participants' knowledge and behavior related to classroom management.

Download a PDF of the complete report.

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